Thank you for visiting my blog and all your feedback (comment below or tweet) is really appreciated. Over the past few weeks I have tried to balance my views on the forthcoming General Election against my own mental health story and my comedy style. I feel that I have covered the election enough in my past few posts (have a browse!) so all I will say this week is that I beg that you use your democratic right to vote. It is no understatement to say that people have died so you can mark an X in that box - that is how powerful your voice is. Who to vote for is another topic and again I have skimmed over whether to vote with a national viewpoint or for a local one. Just make sure you do vote, even if it is to spoil your paper by writing CHEESE on it, then your voice will have been heard - albeit a voice saying I'd rather have cheese running the country than any political party.
This week I've been pretty stable, I had a few hyper moments over the long weekend although my attitude at work could be summed up in one phrase: We try our hardest but everyone else is conspiring against us!
But it is time to get a little bit more upbeat!

And once you have had a read, why not have a laugh by listening to our comedy podcast in which you will learn about the world of Cleveland Steamers and the new Thunderbirds TV series.
Just before we go, don't forget to join us this Thursday night as we commentate live on the biggest reality TV show since someone had sex in the Big Brother pool. We will be on YouTube.
Unless you watch this after the election.... in which case you can still watch it while you share my blog and tweet me.
Thanks again! Woop Woop!
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