You get brownie points for reading all my posts. Please do follow me on Twitter (@MattStreuli) so you get to see the latest blogs first as well as other silly stuff I do on YouTube and podcasts.
The feedback (shout-out to Kathryn and Eli!) I've had so far has been fantastic and I want to thank you all very much for reading my blog. It feels like you have accepted me as person and whilst we might not always agree on my views or content you are willing to hear it/see it and engage with it. This is something I would love to encourage. So tweet me?
Are we all mentally ill? (This is one of my most read blogs THANK YOU!!)
Is it only fair to wind up internet trolls like Michelle Ben? (Most read comedy blog!)
Will showing young teens the consequences of violence through visits to a Concentration Camp or Oradour-sur-Glane deter them from romantic view of violent modern media portrays?
What do you think of the mental health services on the NHS?
Have you had similar experiences to me and have advice or is my blog helping you?
and my latest post: How can we engage more young people and get them to vote? Isn't #GE2015 the biggest reality show ever? After all; Who Wins? You Decide?
To finish this special below are some pictures of me as requested by Eli, a Dutch friend.

Guten Tag! :)
Update : 12th April
I've restarted self harming. #bipolar
Tweets by @mattstreuli
I'm sick of fighting, even though I know I should
#bipolar #mentalhealth #songlyrics
— Matthew E Streuli (@mattstreuli) March 22, 2015
Miss @emilycampling admitted she has not seen my latest youtube video. I'm disappointed in her. :P
— Matthew E Streuli (@mattstreuli) March 7, 2015
Tweets by @mattstreuli
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