I'm not happy. It feels like it's getting worse - which is an achievement as I thought I had already visited rock bottom.
The happiest I've been in the past week was presenting a quiz at my work on Thursday and getting drunk alone watching House on Saturday night.
The rest of the time I feel overwhelmed. I've feel I have been pushing my friends away although my brain feels that society is pushing me away - I'm unwelcome. I'm fat and horrible.
Something has to change. But I don't know what or how.
If I could win the lottery I would lock my door and never come out again. I don't want to keep fighting just to survive.
I don't enjoy drama anymore. I could rant but why bother. And apart from drama I have nothing.
I am nothing.
AND yet you all seem to think I'm funny and some local celebrity.
I've burnt out and I'm alone.
Anyway. On a more cheery note, I'm in panto in January and I uploaded a special video of pics and videos from set build and rehearsals this month. Buy tickets at www.ihdc.co.uk. Or see the video at www.youtube.com/MattStreuli (it'd be great if other people did some advertising at their work or through social media) #iwontrant
Ok. Im having a low moment.
Not sure what the trigger is but I have been quite happy for a few weeks so the karma of bipolar was due. Ooh look pictures. Merry Xmas btw.
If you're looking for a more cheerful blog visit Lee Hall today
Perhaps I have been watching too much House (an American TV series starring Hugh Laurie and not a place of residence) but ive re-examined my patient history. My mother and likely her father both have / had a history of alcohol addiction. Both were heavy smokers. Sticking with my mother as I have personal memories to go by, I've always assumed she drank to deal with the pain of ruining a marriage through multiple affairs including the first bf I met who hit her at least once. Fucking your life up like that would drive you to drink, especially as two close friends died around the same time and your boss gets wasted in his office on miniatures - I can see where the inspiration for the coping mechanism came from.
But what if it wasn't just a coping mechanism but also a symptom. A symptom of a mental health issue.
We've all understood for a while that alcohol and perhaps addictive personality traits could be genetic - we all know of a family of drunks or druggies and whilst some of it is nuture I think alot more is nature. Or to be more precise I agree with some physiologists who suggest that our brain nature is altered by nuture - for example major events especially in childhood and teenage years when the brain is forming.
What if my brain nature was already predisposed to mental health issues and the nature of my childhood - drunks and death - simply exacerbated the issue.
If this is the case then the alcoholism was a coping mechanism for their lives which they couldn't handle due to their genetic preposition for mental health issues.
What makes me think that alcoholism is a symptom and not the virus?
I am not an alcoholic. I can go weeks without drinking and then only have one pint or if it's a night out get very drunk and then take a week to recover. But I do have mental health issues. Perhaps my genetic preposition is the same but my coping mechanism is not.
I'm not sure what are my mechanisms: creativity through youtube and acting or burying myself in community work so I forget how alone I am or the occasional anti-depressant.
All of them seem better than becoming addicted to any substance just to ease the pain. But I guess if that was the measure then we would all recommended people cut themselves (cutting releases endorphins and the brain focuses on that and the new pain signal).
Ive thought I was wired differently for a long time - especially recently when I wrote a blog post explaining how I took comfort in knowing how I will kill myself (not planning to do it in the next few years, I want to see marriages and babies first).
What if my brain nature was already predisposed to mental health issues and the nature of my childhood - drunks and death - simply exacerbated the issue?
Is there anyway to change my nature?
Or are you going to tell me that I have to try harder?
Because some days, I just can't anymore.
If you are wondering what you can do to support mental health please look at making a pledge with Time To Change (and organisation trying to end the stigma surrounding mental health) and why not join me and become a member of the charity MIND.
In more cheerful youtube news I am opening a Doctor Who Advent calendar each day this month and I have two new recent videos: in one I eat a peanut butter Twix and then my sister says "I will cut you because you can sing" (sic) in the other. Go now to www.youtube.com/MattStreuli and like and stuff.
Two things I wanted to quickly write up.
Today I can visited one of a five main hubs for a major UK and European courier. Next time you click order on a site like Amazon remember the fantastic people who are working 24hrs a day in warehouses and logistics to get that parcel to you next day: business or leisure.
That item is picked and then packed. Then collected by a courier and taken to a local depot. On it goes to a central hub. From there it is sorted into a batch and loaded to a lorry to go to your local depot to reach you. All while your asleep. All for very Little cost. Well done. And a personal thanks to TNT who do a great job and work incrediblely hard to beat expectations and if it does ever go wrong - they sort it.
Oh and the second thing...
Here is my latest lootcrate video. Battle!
LootCrate Nov2014 'Battle' ∞ MATT STREULI: http://youtu.be/5cRCBMglNVA
Like and share!
I love you all.
When someone makes a throwaway comment that wasn't throwaway for you....
I'm sorry if I have been annoying any of you.
I was in a manic state at the end of last week and have been returning to normal this week. From comments made it is obvious that despite feeling better than ever about myself and achieving more than normal I have been either annoying or irritating: if not these emotions exactly then similar as those involved do not wish to spend long periods of time with me.
As a previous tweet suggests I am quite hurt by it but I never know whether I am right to feel that way or its just 'Matt playing up again'. And this won't stop looping around my brain.
Maybe I'm not funny... Maybe im a pain?
@mattstreuli's Tweet: https://twitter.com/mattstreuli/status/522514881753661440
Either way I'm going to take a break from social media completely including my blog, Twitter and my youtube. There are some videos I uploaded and scheduled which will still appear over the next few weeks but nothing else and I will do my best not to promote them so I don't pester anyone.
I'm also sorry that I'm not using this blog post to congratulations and a heart well done to the teens of IHDC for their efforts at the Woking Drama Festival. They did a fantastic job of representating our small club and I am immensely proud of them.
M xx
Just as a preface - I am currently off work with a torn tendon in my foot/ankle and I am on some strong painkillers whilst I regain my foot use hence the lack of posts and the dopey video I posted last week - linked.
Is it normal to think about how I want to kill myself?
For many years I've had suicidal thoughts but the difference is that over the past 6 or so months of anti depressants the thoughts have been less severe. And yet I have always taken comfort in knowing how I want to die and a plan of action if I did need to do it.
However my preferred method, a rather painless and gore-less option, has been in the media spotlight.
My first choice would be to suffocate myself using Nitrous Oxide (also known as NO2 or laughing gas). You will have probably been given it by your dentist or of you have used 'gas and air' during childbirth. As the name suggests in medicine it is mixed with oxygen even so the drug causes drowsiness and pain relief. In a high enough concentration it becomes euphoric and, much like breathing only helium from a balloon, I would fill my lungs and use a medical mask to ensure that even as I lost consciousness due to the lack of oxygen in my lungs and blood that as I gasp for air I still only breath in NO2 until I cease to be.
It baffles me how you all live your lives without such a plan in place. Even if in the short term at least I have no plan to execute it.
However due to youngsters using it recreationally the gas or drug depending on your view has gained attention in the UK with one mourning family asking for tighter restrictions.
Outside of its medical applications, laughing gas is used in vehicles (Nitro boost etc) and in whipped cream. In fact those using the drug to get high are buying cartridges meant for whipped cream dispensers and inhaling it via a balloon. One canister is one deep breath. At the moment anyone in the UK can buy these whipper bulbs and as you can see from the below they are not expensive.
Compared to other end of life methods this is the least messy, stressful or painful and is in fact euphoric. Compared to an overdose it is even quite cheap.
Which begs the question - do I stock up now whilst it is relatively easy to obtain or wait and be prepared this option maybe closed off depending on press pressure and politics?
Once again I do not plan on killing myself this week or even this year and if I felt I had to do it I would find another method but this sweet smelling and sugary tasting gas seemed to be the solution.
Rumour has it some states in the US are looking at laughing gas to replace their current capital punishment methods but is it just that the murderer dies 'laughing'?
Still that's a topic for another day.
Should their be a greater restriction on Nitrous Oxide? Is it worrying I'm worried that there will be?
Comment below or why not retweet or repost on Tumblr with your thoughts.
As a side note, my best bud is writing a blog covering a range of topics including trying to get his fiction book published or even self published. Lee Hall's blog is available here so go click. http://lahallwriter.wordpress.com
To quote Mr Green's hometown "DFTBA"
Don't forget to be awesome.
Oh and the ankle? When I'm not doped up on codine it is still really painful but I am slowly putting more weight on it. Hopefully no crutches soon and I might be able to drive again Xx
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Michelle Ben on Facebook. And no Jesus isn't talking to that bird. Dr Doolittle he aint. |
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I said Who are you? not How are you... |